Aunque suene a tópico, de corazón os digo que ojalá que todos vuestros proyectos para éste año venidero se hagan realidad. Un año en el que la esperanza y la felicidad sean las notas características del cambio de fecha. Un año en el que por fin podais decir que ha sido vuestro.
Mis mejores deseos para todos,

To little hours to reach the already so next 2008, Manu´s site wishes to everybody... Happy New Year!.
Although it sounds like a topic, deep from my heart I say to everybody Although it sounds to topic, from deep of my heart I say to you that hopefully that all your projects for this one coming year become real. A year in which the hope and the happiness are the characteristic notes of the change of date. A year in which finally you can say that has been yours.
My best desires to everybody,
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Happy New Year !!!!!
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